Viewing Task Attachments

This post relates to the custom BPM worklist sample presented in this blog.

In this post, we will look at how to add support for viewing a list of the attachments for a Human Task.

You may recall from the post on creating the domain layer that we created a wrapper to simplify access to the Human Task object.  In that wrapper class,, we had a property called attachments which is a java.util.List of the attachments.

Attachments are represented by the BPM API class (see Javadoc here.)

We can add the following code into our view, src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/taskdetails.jsp, to display information about each attachment.  Here we are displaying three pieces of information about each attachment:

  • ${attachment.updatedBy} is the user who last updated (or created) the attachment,
  • ${attachment.updatedDate.time} is the time the attachment was last updated (or created), and
  • ${} is the name of the attachment, most likely this would be the filename, although attachments can also be URLs rather than files.

We also want to display a link to allow the user to download the attachment.  We are making the name into the link.  The link is constructed as follows:${model.task.number}&x_file=${}&x_version=${attachment.version}

We are passing the task number, the attachment name and version to a new  downloadattachment controller.  We will see this controller in the next post.

Here is the code we added to the view:

  <table width="50%">
      <th class="tl-head" width="150">User</th>
      <th class="tl-head" width="200">Date</th>
      <th class="th-head">Name</th>
  <table width="50%">
    <c:forEach items="${model.task.attachments}" var="attachment">
        <td class="tl-row" width="150">${attachment.updatedBy}</td>
        <td class="tl-row" width="200">${attachment.updatedDate.time}</td>
        <td class="tl-row">
          <a href="${model.task.number}&x_file=${}&x_version=${attachment.version}"

That’s all we need to view a list of the attachments!  In the next post we will look at how to allow the user to download (open/save) an attachment.


About Mark Nelson

Mark Nelson is a Developer Evangelist at Oracle, focusing on microservices and messaging. Before this role, Mark was an Architect in the Enterprise Cloud-Native Java Team, the Verrazzano Enterprise Container Platform project, worked on Wercker, WebLogic and was a senior member of the A-Team since 2010, and worked in Sales Consulting at Oracle since 2006 and various roles at IBM since 1994.
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